Simple recipe changes for healthful holiday eating

It's that time of year again: The glistening colors and rich aromas of holiday foods are beginning to beckon. From dinner parties to community potlucks, the meats, sweets and sauces of traditional winter feasts have started their tempting descent upon us. Even in today's health-conscious climate, it's a tough time to watch what we eat. So many holiday recipes burst with dietary indulgences -- butter, cream, plenty of sugar and plenty of salt.

Health-minded holiday cooking may seem impossible, but nutritional experts say it's not. Chefs and dietitians alike agree that most recipes can be modified to increase their health value without sacrificing taste. And they say many tricks of the trade are simple and can be applied to all cooking, any time of the year.
"Reduce and replace" -- that's the key, says Darlene Dougherty, M.S., R.D., former president of the American Dietetic Association.

Before pulling your baking tins and roasting pans off the shelves, start with an attitude check, advises Judith Levine, a registered dietitian with the American Heart Association. Healthy cooking shouldn't be an all-or-nothing venture -- a major recipe overhaul will affect flavor. Think instead of minor nips and tucks. "That's what I call setting yourself up for success instead of for failure," she says.

Scientific and culinary baking

Several major health organizations -- including the American Heart Association, the American Dietetic Association, the American Cancer Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Institutes of Health -- agree on the basics of a healthy diet. Their guidelines, based on hundreds of clinical trials and recent studies, were summarized in the July 27, 1999 issue of the American Heart Associations journal, Circulation.

The consensus? Reduce fats, particularly saturated fats such as butter and other animal fats, which are high in cholesterol. Limit sugar: "empty" calories with little nutritional value. Limit salt: a risk factor for high blood pressure and hypertension in some people. Pile on the fruits, vegetables, grains and cereals.

"Analyze your recipes, look at where the fat is, then ask yourself: Why is it there? Can I leave it out?" says Michael Pardus, an instructor at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York.

And don't forget presentation, says Pardus. "Use a small meat portion and fill your plate with vegetables and starches prepared without a lot of butter or cream."

Most experts agree on the basics of how to modify recipes for health. The mantra: substitute, experiment, use a smidgen when the recipe calls for a dollop, don't expect to do it all every time. And make up your mind what's important to you. "You have to decide who you are; there's no right or wrong," Levine says.

Easy tips, anytime

  • Whenever possible, replace butter with unsaturated oils such as olive, canola and soy oil.

  • Use nonfat or low-fat milk instead of whole milk, and choose reduced-fat cheeses.

  • Limit margarine and butter, which contains fats that can raise cholesterol and have been associated with cardiovascular disease risk.

  • Substitute lean cuts of meat for fatty ones. Remove skins, which are fatty.

  • Bake, broil or steam rather than fry. Saute with a dash of oil, wine or tomato puree.

  • Cut back on egg yolks, which are high in fat and cholesterol.

  • Start with less fat, sugar and salt than called for, then adjust for taste.

  • Season with herbs, spices, lemon juice or minced tangy vegetables -- onion, garlic, parsnip, parsley -- instead of salt and butter.

  • Forgo cream-based soups, sauces and gravies, or make them with skim milk. Choose vegetable-based soups and sauces.

  • For baked goods such as cakes and cookies, substitute applesauce or other fruit purees for butter or oil; this maintains fluffiness. Cut back on sugar by one-half or more.

Special holiday tips

  • Make pie crusts with unsaturated oils instead of butter or solid fats. Top desserts with fat-free frozen yogurt or whipped evaporated skim milk.

  • Base appetizers on fresh or roasted vegetables, fruits, lean meats, breads and reduced-fat cheeses.

  • Serve seasoned rice or grains instead of bread stuffing.

  • Bake sweet potatoes in their skins. Season mashed potatoes with roasted garlic and herbs.

For all cooking, Dougherty says, make use of the wide variety of reduced-fat dairy products available, such as nonfat sour cream, whipped cream and whipped cream cheese. But when it comes to artificial substitutes, including those for salt and sugar, the American Dietetic Association recommends moderation. (Its guidelines on sweeteners are published in the May 1998 volume of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.) It's fine to add pinches of sugar and salt substitutes for flavor, but larger amounts aren't recommended for cooking because they affect texture.

And finally, Dougherty says, indulge with a rich favorite every now and then. "If you allow yourself a little to satisfy a craving or to maintain a tradition, it's better than depriving yourself and later losing control."

By: Catherine Ann Rauch

Re-Published By : The Author

10 Common Symptoms And Signs Of High Blood Pressure

High Blood pressure is the force of blood against arteries. Do you have high blood pressure ? This article will give you detail about 10 common sypmtoms and sings of hypertension or High Blood Pressure.

High Blood pressure is the measure of force against arteries. Do you have high blood pressure? Do you know what are common symptoms and signs of high blood pressure? This article will give you comprehensive information about common signs and symptoms of high blood pressure.

Usually people ignore high blood pressure. Even those who take medicine, only take anti hypertensive medication for short time. Studies have proved that 90% of high blood pressure patients show non compliance with their medication. If you will not control your blood pressure it may lead to serious problems with your Heart, Kidneys, Brain and Eyes. If you want to save these vital organs , then you will have to control your blood pressure with in limits.

Normal blood pressure is 120/80. If this reading goes above 140/90, then you consider yourself as a hypertensive patient. Between 120 and 140 is a pre hypertensive stage. which can be controlled even by natural measures like exercise, low salt intake, stop smoking, lower cholesterol, eat vegetables etc.

How will you come to know that you have high blood pressure ?

High blood pressure typically has no symptoms at all, that is why we can call it as Silent killer. Although there are many coincidental symptoms that are widely believed to be associated with high blood pressure. These include headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, a flushed face and fatigue. Although people with high blood pressure may have many of these symptoms, they occur just as frequently in those with normal blood pressure. Why these symptoms occur, If a person has high blood pressure that is severe or longstanding and left untreated, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, restlessness, and blurred vision can occur as a result of damage to the brain, eyes, heart and kidneys. In rare cases, high blood pressure may cause brain swelling, which can lead to drowsiness and coma.

Briefly Hypertension has following 10 common symptoms :

Nosebleed (Epistaxis)
tinnitus(Ringing in Ears)
sleepiness, Ansomnia
profuse sweating
low libido or lack of sexual desire
Blurred vision

If you have not above symptoms, it does not mean that you have no high blood pressure. Remember most common symptom of high Blood pressure is that ” It Has No Symptom”. Best way to keep you healthy is to have your blood pressure checked at regular intervals.
Wish you all the good health.

By : The Author
Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally

Learn how herbs and acupuncture can help you to naturally manage high blood pressure.

In Chinese Medicine, many of the symptoms of high blood pressure
, such as pounding headaches, dizziness, and pressure behind the eyes are often related to a pattern of Liver Yang Rising or Liver Heat. It is important to see a physician
for proper diagnosis and supervision of high blood pressure, but acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine may also be useful for managing your condition. Certain herbs have been shown to have an anti-hypertensive effect. Certain other herbs have been shown to be useful for controlling cholesterol levels and improving cardiovascular function. Acupuncture has been shown to have a general relaxing effect which can be useful in stress related or essential hypertension. In addition, certain points are commonly used in the treatment of patterns that relate to high blood pressure.

One commonly used herb for symptoms and patterns related to high blood pressure is Tian Ma or gastrodia rhizome. Research in China has shown it to be useful in the treatment of symptoms related to high blood pressure such as dizziness, numbness of extremities, tinnitus, headaches, and pain behind the eyes. It may have a sedative and tranquillizing effect. It has been shown to have usefulness for renal hypertension and essential hypertension. Another useful herb is Ye Ju Hua or chrysanthemum flower, which has been shown to have a prolonged effect of lowering blood pressure through peripheral vessel dilation. It has also been shown to increase blood flow to the heart. Another herb that is used to clear Liver Heat and is commonly used to treat eye problems that may be beneficial for high blood pressure is Xia Ku Cao or prunella. Chinese research has shown that it has a moderate vasodilating effect. These herbs are often used in combination by practitioners of Oriental Medicine in the treatment of patterns related to high blood pressure.

Other herbs may be useful for improving heart and circulatory function. They may also help reduce cholesterol. Shan Zha, or hawthorn berries, have been shown to reduce cholesterol when taken for six weeks or more. It is often used in China to improve circulation and to treat angina pectoris. Another herb that is commonly used in China for cardiovascular problems is Dan Shen, or Salvia. It has also been shown to reduce cholesterol. It also may improve microcirculation in the body. In China, pills of Dan Shen are used in the treatment of angina and in the treatment of coronary heart disease. It also may help promote repair and regeneration of tissues by increasing the body’s metabolism.

Certain acupuncture points are also known to be useful in the treatment of patterns related to high blood pressure. Large Intestine 4 is a point that many people know can help to control headaches. It is on the back side of the hand in between the thumb and index finger. It is also commonly used point for blood pressure related patterns. Another point at the vertex of the head, Du 20, is also commonly used. An acupuncturist or Chinese herbalist always takes an inventory of symptoms, along with looking at a person’s tongue and feeling a person’s pulse in order to determine the specific combination of points and herbs that a person needs. Different people with high blood pressure are treated differently depending on the pattern they present.

By : The Author
Acupressure Fast Facts - Get Pain Relief at Home

Discover the secrets of acupressure and get fast pain relief at home.

Acupressure was originated in China thousands of years ago, and evidence has been found that acupressure was practiced in the stone age!
Acupressure has been used to reduce post-operative nausea and vomiting in children.
Acupressure also reduces nausea in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.
Acupressure can be done anywhere without special equipment.

You can treat yourself safely with acupressure, as long as you follow the guidelines of a professional acupressure practitioner.

Correctly performed, acupressure increases circulation, reduces tension and pain and enables the body to relax.

Acupressure strengthens the immune system and promotes wellness.

Acupressure should be applied slowly and gently. Applying it too quickly or vigorously can do some damage, especially in the abdominal area.

Special care and caution is needed in the case of a pregnant woman or in treating a person with burns, infections and recent injuries.

Acupressure is more effective than physical therapy for the majority of patients with low back pain.

Ear acupressure can be used to reduce stress and anxiety.

Acupressure is used to reduce fear and anxiety in trauma victims and in pre-operative care.

Acupressure can be used to treat all these conditions :

Tension Headaches
Migraine Headaches
Jaw Pain, Toothache, Earache
Neck and Shoulder Pain
Wrist, Hand, Arm pain
Backache, Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot pain
Colds, Flu, Sore throat, Sinus Infection, Loss of Voice
Anxiety Attacks and Nervousness
Improve Memory and Concentration
Angina, Heart Palpitations and High Blood Pressure
Constipation, Diarrhea, Heartburn and Stomachache
PMS and Painful Periods, Hot Flashes, Pregnancy Discomfort, Morning Sickness
Bed-wetting, Incontinence, Urinary retention
Nose bleeding, Itching, Asthma, Decreased Libido, Hangover

Here are a couple acupressure tips you can try :

For headaches and muscle or joint pain, press the fleshy part of your hand between your thumb and index finger. Hold for this for one minute, then repeat on the other hand.

For low-back pain, lie on your back, with your feet elevated on a sofa or chair. Place two tennis balls under your lower back on either side of your spine. (I got cheap tennis balls in the dog toy department.) Stay in this position for one minute or sooner if it becomes uncomfortable.

For knee pain, put a tennis ball on a pillow, then place your leg over it so the ball is pushing into the crease behind your knee. Find the sensitive spot just below your kneecap and slightly to the outside of the shinbone. Press into it gently with your fingertips for about one minute.

You can learn to do acupressure at home to supplement professional treatment. This is especially useful when you are stricken with illness or pain and you can’t get to the doctor soon.

By : The Author
Magnetic Jewelry - New Technology for Pain Relief

Magnetic jewelry has become a very popular form of healthcare. Its the one way to stay healthy and at the same time, look good.

The vast majority of people these days have a small ache or pain somewhere in their body which diminishes the quality of their life and of those there is a large portion of people who suffer debilitating pain on a daily basis that severely cuts down on their quality of life. There are numerous causes of this pain, both severe and mild, but there is a group of devices that can help both types of pain. These devices are magnetic jewelry.

Magnetic jewelry can be used for a multitude of purposes due to the fact that there are many different types, for instance bracelets and necklaces among others, and comes in a variety of strengths. Which piece of jewelry you choose and what strength that piece is, is a matter of personal choice. The stronger the magnet the more effective it is likely to be, but this is not guaranteed since different people have different reactions to the magnetic therapy received while wearing this jewelry.

The aim of magnetic jewelry is to provide pain relief through magnetic therapy. The way that magnetic jewelry works is to derestrict the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood circulation and this has a bunch of follow on effects. Some of the consequences of increasing blood flow are the increased level of oxygenation of the blood and the increased flushing out of toxins in the body.

Those are some of the reasons why the pain relief happens; pain is caused by an accumulation of toxins in specific area of your body and this accumulated mass of toxins will be flushed out by the increased level of blood circulation. The other way that magnetic jewelry can help to relieve pain is by derestricting the blood vessels since the restriction of blood vessels can be the cause of certain types of pain, for instance headaches.

The different types of magnetic jewelry can be more effective for different types of pain. Necklaces can help to alleviate pain caused by migraines and headaches, neck, back and shoulder pain as well as potentially alleviating the pain caused by muscle spasms and lock jaw. In addition to this magnetic necklaces can help to increase the mobility and blood circulation with in the area it affects.

Bracelets can help to alleviate pain associated with, tennis elbow and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, tendonitis and bursitis, as well as helping to alleviate the pains caused by arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The magnetic bracelets can also help to increase circulation, thereby alleviating numbness of the fingers and hands.

Anklets can be of help when it comes to decreasing the levels of pain associated with lower back and knee pain, spurs and inflammation in the legs and feet in addition to helping to alleviate numbness of the legs. There are also the added potential benefits that the magnetic anklet can help by preventing the joints from retaining water, as well as possibly increasing blood flow to the legs and feet and possibly helping to support the lower back.

By : The Author