Simple recipe changes for healthful holiday eating

It's that time of year again: The glistening colors and rich aromas of holiday foods are beginning to beckon. From dinner parties to community potlucks, the meats, sweets and sauces of traditional winter feasts have started their tempting descent upon us. Even in today's health-conscious climate, it's a tough time to watch what we eat. So many holiday recipes burst with dietary indulgences -- butter, cream, plenty of sugar and plenty of salt.

Health-minded holiday cooking may seem impossible, but nutritional experts say it's not. Chefs and dietitians alike agree that most recipes can be modified to increase their health value without sacrificing taste. And they say many tricks of the trade are simple and can be applied to all cooking, any time of the year.
"Reduce and replace" -- that's the key, says Darlene Dougherty, M.S., R.D., former president of the American Dietetic Association.

Before pulling your baking tins and roasting pans off the shelves, start with an attitude check, advises Judith Levine, a registered dietitian with the American Heart Association. Healthy cooking shouldn't be an all-or-nothing venture -- a major recipe overhaul will affect flavor. Think instead of minor nips and tucks. "That's what I call setting yourself up for success instead of for failure," she says.

Scientific and culinary baking

Several major health organizations -- including the American Heart Association, the American Dietetic Association, the American Cancer Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Institutes of Health -- agree on the basics of a healthy diet. Their guidelines, based on hundreds of clinical trials and recent studies, were summarized in the July 27, 1999 issue of the American Heart Associations journal, Circulation.

The consensus? Reduce fats, particularly saturated fats such as butter and other animal fats, which are high in cholesterol. Limit sugar: "empty" calories with little nutritional value. Limit salt: a risk factor for high blood pressure and hypertension in some people. Pile on the fruits, vegetables, grains and cereals.

"Analyze your recipes, look at where the fat is, then ask yourself: Why is it there? Can I leave it out?" says Michael Pardus, an instructor at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York.

And don't forget presentation, says Pardus. "Use a small meat portion and fill your plate with vegetables and starches prepared without a lot of butter or cream."

Most experts agree on the basics of how to modify recipes for health. The mantra: substitute, experiment, use a smidgen when the recipe calls for a dollop, don't expect to do it all every time. And make up your mind what's important to you. "You have to decide who you are; there's no right or wrong," Levine says.

Easy tips, anytime

  • Whenever possible, replace butter with unsaturated oils such as olive, canola and soy oil.

  • Use nonfat or low-fat milk instead of whole milk, and choose reduced-fat cheeses.

  • Limit margarine and butter, which contains fats that can raise cholesterol and have been associated with cardiovascular disease risk.

  • Substitute lean cuts of meat for fatty ones. Remove skins, which are fatty.

  • Bake, broil or steam rather than fry. Saute with a dash of oil, wine or tomato puree.

  • Cut back on egg yolks, which are high in fat and cholesterol.

  • Start with less fat, sugar and salt than called for, then adjust for taste.

  • Season with herbs, spices, lemon juice or minced tangy vegetables -- onion, garlic, parsnip, parsley -- instead of salt and butter.

  • Forgo cream-based soups, sauces and gravies, or make them with skim milk. Choose vegetable-based soups and sauces.

  • For baked goods such as cakes and cookies, substitute applesauce or other fruit purees for butter or oil; this maintains fluffiness. Cut back on sugar by one-half or more.

Special holiday tips

  • Make pie crusts with unsaturated oils instead of butter or solid fats. Top desserts with fat-free frozen yogurt or whipped evaporated skim milk.

  • Base appetizers on fresh or roasted vegetables, fruits, lean meats, breads and reduced-fat cheeses.

  • Serve seasoned rice or grains instead of bread stuffing.

  • Bake sweet potatoes in their skins. Season mashed potatoes with roasted garlic and herbs.

For all cooking, Dougherty says, make use of the wide variety of reduced-fat dairy products available, such as nonfat sour cream, whipped cream and whipped cream cheese. But when it comes to artificial substitutes, including those for salt and sugar, the American Dietetic Association recommends moderation. (Its guidelines on sweeteners are published in the May 1998 volume of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.) It's fine to add pinches of sugar and salt substitutes for flavor, but larger amounts aren't recommended for cooking because they affect texture.

And finally, Dougherty says, indulge with a rich favorite every now and then. "If you allow yourself a little to satisfy a craving or to maintain a tradition, it's better than depriving yourself and later losing control."

By: Catherine Ann Rauch

Re-Published By : The Author

10 Common Symptoms And Signs Of High Blood Pressure

High Blood pressure is the force of blood against arteries. Do you have high blood pressure ? This article will give you detail about 10 common sypmtoms and sings of hypertension or High Blood Pressure.

High Blood pressure is the measure of force against arteries. Do you have high blood pressure? Do you know what are common symptoms and signs of high blood pressure? This article will give you comprehensive information about common signs and symptoms of high blood pressure.

Usually people ignore high blood pressure. Even those who take medicine, only take anti hypertensive medication for short time. Studies have proved that 90% of high blood pressure patients show non compliance with their medication. If you will not control your blood pressure it may lead to serious problems with your Heart, Kidneys, Brain and Eyes. If you want to save these vital organs , then you will have to control your blood pressure with in limits.

Normal blood pressure is 120/80. If this reading goes above 140/90, then you consider yourself as a hypertensive patient. Between 120 and 140 is a pre hypertensive stage. which can be controlled even by natural measures like exercise, low salt intake, stop smoking, lower cholesterol, eat vegetables etc.

How will you come to know that you have high blood pressure ?

High blood pressure typically has no symptoms at all, that is why we can call it as Silent killer. Although there are many coincidental symptoms that are widely believed to be associated with high blood pressure. These include headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, a flushed face and fatigue. Although people with high blood pressure may have many of these symptoms, they occur just as frequently in those with normal blood pressure. Why these symptoms occur, If a person has high blood pressure that is severe or longstanding and left untreated, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, restlessness, and blurred vision can occur as a result of damage to the brain, eyes, heart and kidneys. In rare cases, high blood pressure may cause brain swelling, which can lead to drowsiness and coma.

Briefly Hypertension has following 10 common symptoms :

Nosebleed (Epistaxis)
tinnitus(Ringing in Ears)
sleepiness, Ansomnia
profuse sweating
low libido or lack of sexual desire
Blurred vision

If you have not above symptoms, it does not mean that you have no high blood pressure. Remember most common symptom of high Blood pressure is that ” It Has No Symptom”. Best way to keep you healthy is to have your blood pressure checked at regular intervals.
Wish you all the good health.

By : The Author
Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally

Learn how herbs and acupuncture can help you to naturally manage high blood pressure.

In Chinese Medicine, many of the symptoms of high blood pressure
, such as pounding headaches, dizziness, and pressure behind the eyes are often related to a pattern of Liver Yang Rising or Liver Heat. It is important to see a physician
for proper diagnosis and supervision of high blood pressure, but acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine may also be useful for managing your condition. Certain herbs have been shown to have an anti-hypertensive effect. Certain other herbs have been shown to be useful for controlling cholesterol levels and improving cardiovascular function. Acupuncture has been shown to have a general relaxing effect which can be useful in stress related or essential hypertension. In addition, certain points are commonly used in the treatment of patterns that relate to high blood pressure.

One commonly used herb for symptoms and patterns related to high blood pressure is Tian Ma or gastrodia rhizome. Research in China has shown it to be useful in the treatment of symptoms related to high blood pressure such as dizziness, numbness of extremities, tinnitus, headaches, and pain behind the eyes. It may have a sedative and tranquillizing effect. It has been shown to have usefulness for renal hypertension and essential hypertension. Another useful herb is Ye Ju Hua or chrysanthemum flower, which has been shown to have a prolonged effect of lowering blood pressure through peripheral vessel dilation. It has also been shown to increase blood flow to the heart. Another herb that is used to clear Liver Heat and is commonly used to treat eye problems that may be beneficial for high blood pressure is Xia Ku Cao or prunella. Chinese research has shown that it has a moderate vasodilating effect. These herbs are often used in combination by practitioners of Oriental Medicine in the treatment of patterns related to high blood pressure.

Other herbs may be useful for improving heart and circulatory function. They may also help reduce cholesterol. Shan Zha, or hawthorn berries, have been shown to reduce cholesterol when taken for six weeks or more. It is often used in China to improve circulation and to treat angina pectoris. Another herb that is commonly used in China for cardiovascular problems is Dan Shen, or Salvia. It has also been shown to reduce cholesterol. It also may improve microcirculation in the body. In China, pills of Dan Shen are used in the treatment of angina and in the treatment of coronary heart disease. It also may help promote repair and regeneration of tissues by increasing the body’s metabolism.

Certain acupuncture points are also known to be useful in the treatment of patterns related to high blood pressure. Large Intestine 4 is a point that many people know can help to control headaches. It is on the back side of the hand in between the thumb and index finger. It is also commonly used point for blood pressure related patterns. Another point at the vertex of the head, Du 20, is also commonly used. An acupuncturist or Chinese herbalist always takes an inventory of symptoms, along with looking at a person’s tongue and feeling a person’s pulse in order to determine the specific combination of points and herbs that a person needs. Different people with high blood pressure are treated differently depending on the pattern they present.

By : The Author
Acupressure Fast Facts - Get Pain Relief at Home

Discover the secrets of acupressure and get fast pain relief at home.

Acupressure was originated in China thousands of years ago, and evidence has been found that acupressure was practiced in the stone age!
Acupressure has been used to reduce post-operative nausea and vomiting in children.
Acupressure also reduces nausea in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.
Acupressure can be done anywhere without special equipment.

You can treat yourself safely with acupressure, as long as you follow the guidelines of a professional acupressure practitioner.

Correctly performed, acupressure increases circulation, reduces tension and pain and enables the body to relax.

Acupressure strengthens the immune system and promotes wellness.

Acupressure should be applied slowly and gently. Applying it too quickly or vigorously can do some damage, especially in the abdominal area.

Special care and caution is needed in the case of a pregnant woman or in treating a person with burns, infections and recent injuries.

Acupressure is more effective than physical therapy for the majority of patients with low back pain.

Ear acupressure can be used to reduce stress and anxiety.

Acupressure is used to reduce fear and anxiety in trauma victims and in pre-operative care.

Acupressure can be used to treat all these conditions :

Tension Headaches
Migraine Headaches
Jaw Pain, Toothache, Earache
Neck and Shoulder Pain
Wrist, Hand, Arm pain
Backache, Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot pain
Colds, Flu, Sore throat, Sinus Infection, Loss of Voice
Anxiety Attacks and Nervousness
Improve Memory and Concentration
Angina, Heart Palpitations and High Blood Pressure
Constipation, Diarrhea, Heartburn and Stomachache
PMS and Painful Periods, Hot Flashes, Pregnancy Discomfort, Morning Sickness
Bed-wetting, Incontinence, Urinary retention
Nose bleeding, Itching, Asthma, Decreased Libido, Hangover

Here are a couple acupressure tips you can try :

For headaches and muscle or joint pain, press the fleshy part of your hand between your thumb and index finger. Hold for this for one minute, then repeat on the other hand.

For low-back pain, lie on your back, with your feet elevated on a sofa or chair. Place two tennis balls under your lower back on either side of your spine. (I got cheap tennis balls in the dog toy department.) Stay in this position for one minute or sooner if it becomes uncomfortable.

For knee pain, put a tennis ball on a pillow, then place your leg over it so the ball is pushing into the crease behind your knee. Find the sensitive spot just below your kneecap and slightly to the outside of the shinbone. Press into it gently with your fingertips for about one minute.

You can learn to do acupressure at home to supplement professional treatment. This is especially useful when you are stricken with illness or pain and you can’t get to the doctor soon.

By : The Author
Magnetic Jewelry - New Technology for Pain Relief

Magnetic jewelry has become a very popular form of healthcare. Its the one way to stay healthy and at the same time, look good.

The vast majority of people these days have a small ache or pain somewhere in their body which diminishes the quality of their life and of those there is a large portion of people who suffer debilitating pain on a daily basis that severely cuts down on their quality of life. There are numerous causes of this pain, both severe and mild, but there is a group of devices that can help both types of pain. These devices are magnetic jewelry.

Magnetic jewelry can be used for a multitude of purposes due to the fact that there are many different types, for instance bracelets and necklaces among others, and comes in a variety of strengths. Which piece of jewelry you choose and what strength that piece is, is a matter of personal choice. The stronger the magnet the more effective it is likely to be, but this is not guaranteed since different people have different reactions to the magnetic therapy received while wearing this jewelry.

The aim of magnetic jewelry is to provide pain relief through magnetic therapy. The way that magnetic jewelry works is to derestrict the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood circulation and this has a bunch of follow on effects. Some of the consequences of increasing blood flow are the increased level of oxygenation of the blood and the increased flushing out of toxins in the body.

Those are some of the reasons why the pain relief happens; pain is caused by an accumulation of toxins in specific area of your body and this accumulated mass of toxins will be flushed out by the increased level of blood circulation. The other way that magnetic jewelry can help to relieve pain is by derestricting the blood vessels since the restriction of blood vessels can be the cause of certain types of pain, for instance headaches.

The different types of magnetic jewelry can be more effective for different types of pain. Necklaces can help to alleviate pain caused by migraines and headaches, neck, back and shoulder pain as well as potentially alleviating the pain caused by muscle spasms and lock jaw. In addition to this magnetic necklaces can help to increase the mobility and blood circulation with in the area it affects.

Bracelets can help to alleviate pain associated with, tennis elbow and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, tendonitis and bursitis, as well as helping to alleviate the pains caused by arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The magnetic bracelets can also help to increase circulation, thereby alleviating numbness of the fingers and hands.

Anklets can be of help when it comes to decreasing the levels of pain associated with lower back and knee pain, spurs and inflammation in the legs and feet in addition to helping to alleviate numbness of the legs. There are also the added potential benefits that the magnetic anklet can help by preventing the joints from retaining water, as well as possibly increasing blood flow to the legs and feet and possibly helping to support the lower back.

By : The Author
Modern magnetic therapy

Magnetic therapy is the new technological form of cure for various pains.

Magnetic therapy is a form of therapy that has been used for many years for a variety of different purposes, including pain relief, prevention of aging and the relief of a range of symptoms from a range of ailments. The problems that the therapy helped to alleviate are still present in the modern world, therefore it is logical that the method used to ease these problems before can still be used today. There are many products available today which can perform this magnetic therapy. Each group of products has a different design and can help with diverse problems, normally in the area around the place where the product is worn. Magnetic therapy has general benefits that most products will provide you with in addition to the specialized benefits that are received from the therapy.

The general benefits of magnetic therapy include enlarging the blood vessels, thereby increasing the rate of circulation within your body; this in turn helps to increase the level of oxygen in your blood and also helps to flush out toxins that have accumulated. These are believed to be the root causes of the general pain relief that can occur once you start using these products.

There are many categories of products which can perform the magnetic therapy, including magnetic jewelry and magnetic wraps, magnetic car seats and magnetic insoles, pulsed magnets as well as magnets for water and magnets for health and beauty. Within these general groupings are many smaller groups of products which are normally grouped by what the product is and whereabouts on the body it is placed. Examples of this are back wraps within the magnetic wrap category and necklaces within the magnetic jewelry category.

The area of you body that you place your magnetic therapy device on will be more strongly affected; the closer the magnetic product is to it. If you wish to relieve pain in the ankle then two of the most appropriate options for you are an anklet or a magnetic ankle wrap. These can relieve numbness of the lower leg and can relieve pain in the joints by keeping the joints dry in addition to relieving pain.

Magnetic therapy can also be used for cosmetic purposes since it can dilate the blood vessels, toxins are flushed away and if the magnet used is a facial magnet, for instance a magnetic facial mask, then toxins can be flushed away from the facial area and, due to the fact that toxins cause wrinkles, the therapy can leave you looking younger and have a face which feels refreshed and rejuvenated.

The magnets you use should be chosen with care and consideration of what functions you need the magnetic therapy products you buy to perform. The magnet you buy should perform the functions you need and preferably a little extra, but ensure that you are buying an appropriate product because while a magnetic necklace can benefit you greatly, it will not aid a pain in your ankle as well as an anklet or ankle wrap. Above all, relax and enjoy the benefits of the magnetic therapy flowing through your body.

By : The Author
A Brief History of Creation

How is there something from nothing ?

The Holophanic loop logic provides a new paradigm, a consistent and complete worldview that not only describes, but also creates whatever can be perceived or experienced.

What is the loop of Creation ? - How is there something from nothing ?

In spite of the fact that it is impossible to prove that anything exists beyond one’s perception since any such proof would involve one’s perception (I observed it, I heard it, I thought about it, I calculated it, and etc.), science deals with a so-called objective reality “out there,” beyond one’s perception professing to describe Nature objectively (as if there was a Nature or reality external to one’s perception). The shocking impact of Matrix was precisely the valid possibility that what we believed to be reality was but our perception; however, this was presented through showing a real reality wherein the perceived reality was a computer simulation. Many who toy with the idea that perhaps, indeed, we are computer simulations, deviate towards questions, such as, who could create such software and what kind of hardware would be needed for such a feat. Although such questions assume that reality is our perception, they also axiomatically presuppose the existence of an objective deterministic world “out there” that nevertheless must be responsible for how we perceive our reality. This is a major mistake emphasizing technology and algorithms instead of trying to discover the nature of reality and the structure of creation. As will be shown in the following, the required paradigm shift from “perception is our reality fixed within an objective world,” to “perception is reality without the need of an objective world ‘out there,’” is provided by a dynamic logical structure. The Holophanic loop logic is responsible for a consistent and complete worldview that not only describes, but also creates whatever can be perceived or experienced.

Stating that it is impossible to prove the existence of anything beyond one’s perception is not saying there is nothing beyond perception, only that if there is anything, then whatever that is, is indefinite. It could be argued that the existence of physical laws, the universal perception that the apple falls to the ground is proof of an objective reality. However, this universal agreement is also our perception. It could be argued that if we cannot decide what to perceive, and everybody perceives the same physical reality, then there must be some lawfulness that dictates how we perceive and therefore, this lawfulness could be external to our perception. However, this lawfulness, as we shall see later on, is the precise lawfulness that creates perception, the process of definition, which is not external to perception (this process creates the perceived and the perceiver, which then gives meaning to this process – a loop – but about that, later). It could be argued, that hitting our knee on the table – whether we believe in the table or not – will hurt. The table is external to our body, but not to our perception. What then is perception? It is relating, a process of definition, defining and thereby rendering meaningful what has been perceived.

What then is this process of definition ?

It is creating borders within which one’s perception gains meaning. The word “definition” comes from the Latin de finire, meaning, making finite or limited. In Hebrew, definition is HAGDARA (הגדרה), meaning, to border. Any definition necessarily implies what the definition is not, or stated differently, to have meaning, whatever is defined explicitly includes the meaning by implicitly excluding everything else. Consequently, to define means to place the defined object within borders that by default create something beyond the borders of the definition. What is this something beyond the defined? The implicitly excluded everything else, or in other words, the indefinite. The paramount importance of incorporating the indefinite within a consistent logical structure cannot be overemphasized. The indefinite itself is a paradox, and incorporating it within the Holophanic logical structure engenders the loop of Creation where the dynamic structure of paradoxes is both the creative force of existence, and also the proof of the necessity of existence.

To better grasp the impetus of Creation, let’s look at the indefinite and paradoxes. What does “indefinite” mean? Anything as long as it is not specified (not defined) ; anything that appears both within and beyond the borders of the definition and thereby rendering the border superfluous, which means, no border, no definition. If nevertheless we would attempt to define the notion “indefinite,” then that’s a paradox because if we succeed, then it is defined, which contradicts its meaning – its indefiniteness – and the word “indefinite” means that it cannot be defined. This is an example of a paradox, that in essence means, if it is what it is, then it is not what it is, yet if it is not what it is, then it is what it is. A paradox is a creature that consists of a structure (how it is defined, the dynamic process on its way to stabilization) that contradicts its significance (what it is, the stabilized entity). What characterizes a paradox is the motion between its structure and significance, where the structure implies that its significance contradicts its structure, and vice versa.

Another example of a paradox would be “wholeness.” Wholeness (totality, infinite, boundless) can only be wholeness if we can find a way to define it so that it includes everything and there is nothing beyond it. However, if we define wholeness, then to have meaning, it must be bordered within the walls of the definition, which implies that there is something beyond this border, in which case it is not wholeness. Or in more formal language, wholeness is only wholeness if it is not wholeness, which is an inconsistency. If we are satisfied with that, then we have completed the definition of wholeness. However, if we try to include the beyond created by our earlier definition within the borders of our next attempt at defining wholeness, then we gain a new definition of wholeness, which by the sheer structure of the process of defining creates a new beyond. In this case, the process of defining wholeness will be consistent but incomplete, and wholeness will remain indefinite.

Contemplating the paradox of Creation, the ancient Egyptian myth of Creation springs to mind, the myth of the self-creating god, Amun (or Amon). Amun masturbated and swallowed his semen, after which he spit it out in the form of a ball, thereby impregnating his mother, the sky. And only then, was he born. Thus Amun was his own father. Those pious who discovered the illustrated version of this myth in Karnak covered up the erect phallus of Amun, and with it, this story of Creation was laid into obscurity. The Holophanic model of Creation could regard this Egyptian myth as Amun retromorphously creating himself. I have coined the word retromorphous to mean, defining in retrospect, turning non-being into the potential of whatever the observation is made from, or in other words, creating the past from the present, creating the source from its outcome, which is the basis of complexity in the context of the loop logic. That is, only after Amun was born can he give meaning to his mother, the potential from which he emanated and to the process that created him (as represented by masturbation and incest) whereby he was born. Of course, neither the sky nor the masturbating Amun have meaning until Creation takes place de facto and Amun emerges. I find this an enticing illustration of the basic paradox of existence.

So how can there be something from nothing? What is “nothing?” Nothing is what didn’t turn into the potential of something. If there was something from nothing, then that nothing would have turned into the potential of something, because when we ask, how is there something from nothing, we ask this question from something, when something already exists. If we take a deeper look at “nothing,” we’ll discover that “nothing” is a paradox. Any definition is something, so if we defined “nothing,” then it would become something, which contradicts its essence of being “nothing.” Another way of looking at “nothing” would be by means of it being something that is meaningless. That is, “nothing” could be something that does not relate and that no thing or no one relates to. That is, if there was something totally alone in the universe, then that would be nothing, but it would be meaningless. If such existed, its existence would be external to our perception, and as such, this “nothing” would be indefinite.

We said that the indefinite could be anything, as long as it is not specified (not defined). However, if we nevertheless tried to define “nothing” (the indefinite), what would we get then ? Since “nothing” is non-definable, it is transparent as the object of our inquiry. So when we attempt to define it, all we have is what we put into it, which is the process of definition. “Nothing” stayed nothing, we didn’t define it, only made the process of definition explicit. “Nothing” gains meaning when we fail to define it; but having tried, we are left with a bonus, a something, which is our process of defining “nothing.” Creation of something from nothing is not a function of defining something, but a function of attempting to define “nothing.” And then, if that process of definition – which already is an existence – looks back at its origins, if this process of defining investigates into its own genesis, then what does it see ? It sees itself. It sees the process of definition – self-reference.

If there is nothing external to perception, then this process of definition is the overall wholeness, the creator of meaning when it can relate to itself. However, to have meaning, the process of definition has to be defined; this definition would be a self-referential quasi-infinite and continuous process of establishing borders that create the indefinite beyond that establishes borders creating the indefinite beyond that establishes borders… which means, wholeness would continuously and forever fail to define itself while succeeding to define something – anything but itself.

Of course, both the totally defined and the totally indefinite are idealized notions that would be inconsistent with the Holophanic loop logic, nor can they be found in nature. The totally indefinite would be the total meaningless nothing, the kind of non-being that cannot be fathomed because if we would think about it, it would already be something. On the other hand, there can be no total definition either. I have used the term uncertainty of sameness to describe the logical impossibility of total definition. A defined entity can be said to have reached sameness — it is the same as itself — which means that it is, it exists as something definite, no matter which parameters defined it. However, no sooner does our object achieve sameness than the uncertainty of sameness raises its ugly head. Could it have been defined differently ? Yes, of course. Could it have additional parameters ? Yes, of course. Could it have been defined more precisely? Yes, of course. This uncertainty of sameness is the indefinite included in the definition, which is the result of including the tools of definition in the definition. Since ‘a’ can only be defined as ‘a’ with meaning if it implies ‘not-a’ (the indefinite beyond the borders of the definition), and since ‘a’ can only have meaning as ‘a’ because it is different from everything else (the everything else is the indefinite beyond the borders, which actually gives meaning to ‘a’), the meaning of ‘a’ depends on ‘not-a.’

When the meaning of something depends on the indefinite, on what our defined object is not, then this indefinite is necessarily included in the process of definition. This logical implication that perception of meaning is only possible if and only if the indefinite is included within the perception is the reason why the 19th century dream of a consistent and complete axiomatic system with only well defined (explicit) empty signs had to fail (see more about that in my article, The Loop Logic). In spite of the fact that logic is the fundament of algorithms and computer science, it had neither the aspiration nor the ability to be connected to the real world precisely because its propositions were so anemic regarding meaning. In the effort to exclude any hint of the indefinite, logical inference was confined to a binary type of world of true and false and lacking any correlation with life and experiencing. However, including the indefinite in the process of definition not only makes the loop logic the fundament of existence, but determines the necessity of existence. With the birth of Holophany, Heidegger’s question, “Why is there anything at all, rather than nothing ?” becomes irrelevant. When existence is relations, and relating is the act of perceiving, and perceiving is the process of definition, then existence is the overall lawfulness, the isomorphous lawfulness of the process of definition – the loop of Creation. What is being perceived, what is being stabilized, which significance is brought to the foreground from the amorphous background of the indefinite, depends on the non-linear rules of complex interactions. Thus the loop logic emphasizes the creation of essents rather than their interactions.

Is there a lawfulness responsible for any and every existence ? An electron and a dog are very different creatures; so what invisible lawfulness is responsible for the existence of both? What kind of lawfulness would fulfill such demands ? The answer is, isomorphism — the same logical inner structure in entirely different representations. Whether an electron, a dog or the weather, each could be a different realization of the same inner logical structure. Creation of anything is the creation of meaning, which is an act of definition. The act of definition attempting to define itself is consciousness. So consciousness, or the soul if you wish, is not some invisible copy of our body carrying our identity, but the lawfulness of Creation expressed as our individual qualitative essence. Of course, it has been endlessly stated that we are God, that we are parts of God, and similar phrases. This is true, but true in the sense that God is the lawfulness that unfolds Creation, and this lawfulness is inherent in all creation including the creatures therein. It could be argued, that a soul, a person is more than mere definitions and intellect. If this logic is the logic of anything and everything, then it should be able to delineate the logical structure of experience as well. Indeed.

Anything that has meaning has to be defined, which places it somewhere on the scale between the continuous and the discrete, between the indefinite and the definite. The indefinite, continuous, infinite tends in the direction of the meaningless, whereas the meaningful is at best imprecise. Experience is the process of attempting to define the indefinite. When we try to capture an experience in a description, we are actually defining our attempt at defining the indefinite. The experience is continuous whereas its description, the definition is discrete. Just as we can never define wholeness, we can never define experience. Any description, any definition, is by nature discrete, whereas the net experience is continuous. So when we have an experience or perception and we become aware of having that experience, then we give it meaning by defining what it is. By doing this we create a discrete replica of the experience, yet the experience remains continuous and non-definable, non-discretizable. Experience is connected to learning. The person encounters something new. How do we know that something is new? Because it is inconsistent with our system. So when we interact with it, we have to integrate it, to assimilate it into our system. If we met something that was not new to the system, then our system would recognize it as part of itself. When that recognition does not occur, the system is interacting with something new. That is the impact. The system adjusts to include the new – that is the change. One’s selfhood is the path of changes following one’s experiences.

Our knowledge of the experience – whatever it might be that we experience – makes it exist for us. We could say, one only experiences when one is aware of experiencing. How do we know that we are aware of experiencing something ? By experiencing it, we experience the awareness of experiencing. In this sense, experience and awareness of the experience, experiencing the awareness of the experience, being aware of experiencing the awareness of the experience, etc. is an infinitely continuous chain, which is what defines what experience is (not the interpretation of a specific experience, but experience in its general sense). And that’s the definition of experience: an infinite loop of the process of becoming aware.

When “nothing” is the limit of both the totally indefinite and the totally defined, then that’s like a circle of going from something to nothing to something to nothing, etc. The ‘going’ here means perception. “Nothing” is only a notion that has meaning if it has been perceived, in fact, a paradox. If it really is “nothing,” then it cannot be defined, and hence, it has no meaning. Yet if I relate to it, then it is something. So whenever I relate to “nothing,” whenever I say, Creation of something from nothing, that “nothing” has meaning for me, and hence, it is significance — it is something just like any other something. That is, the structure of “nothing” is the same structure as that of something. Essentially, something from nothing is formation, not Creation, since nothing is also something. Then what is Creation ? Creation is rather the creation of nothing from something, because Creation is the process of definition, and when we define, we create the indefinite beyond the definition, which at its limit is nothing, and only then can we have something from nothing… Oh yes, the loop. A true loop is only such if it contains its own source. If nothing can be proven to exist external to perception, then logic must be a loop, and existence is a logical necessity inferred by the loop.

Including the indefinite in the process of definition has far reaching consequences. It means that the tools of the definition are necessarily included in the definition. It means that meaning can only occur when there is both definition and also experience. It means that consciousness (whether it succeeds to define or not) must be part of science or any so-called objective endeavor. It means that any and all perception includes experience. The interaction with the indefinite, the experience, is what gives meaning to the defined. Perception, meaningful definition, can only occur in a highly flexible complex system that can learn and change. That’s the difference between us and an electron, which only has fixed relations, and consequently, limited interactions. An electron always succeeds in defining, or it would be more correct to say, it can only interact with what it succeeds in defining. If it encounters the indefinite, it assumes a state of superposition.

Where is God in the loop of Creation ?

If we wanted to define God, the totality, we could not define God, because by the act of definition we would create the beyond, what is beyond God, which contradicts God’s totality. Therefore, no definition of God would do justice to God, and every such definition would truncate God’s wholeness. If God is indefinable, then God is indefinite. If God is indefinite, then I create God by the implication of the act of definition – any definition, because every definition creates the beyond, the indefinite beyond the borders of the definition. In that sense, this is consistent with the statement that I create God by my perception (definition). This does not say that I perceive God, but that my perception implies the existence of the indefinite (God). This means that if I perceive a dog, this perception implies the existence of God. If I perceive that I perceive, then that implies the existence of God. If I perceive dust, a table, an idea, whatever, then that implies the existence of God. If I experience, then that implies the existence of God. That’s because any existence implies the existence of God. And that’s because any existence is such if it relates or is related to, if it has meaning, if even partially it has been defined, which means, its mere definition implies the indefinite beyond the borders of the definition, it implies God, the indefinable. So one cannot directly perceive God (perhaps that is why it was stated in the Bible that no one could see God’s face and live = exist – “no man shall see me and live…” – Exodus 33: 20), but only know about God by implication, which means, the implication of the indefinite – God – is what attributes meaning to any existence.

However, “God” does not equal “indefinite,” but the process that implies the existence of the indefinite is what could be said to be God, since that’s the process of Creation. This is the process of Creation that both creates something, existence, and also nothing, the indefinite. This is why this logic is a loop.

By : Clara Szalai

Re-Published By : The Author
Online Dating !

Finding the right person to date has never been a simple task, sometimes no matter how hard you try there is always a feeling, that there is someone out there just for you that you are not able to find. Finding your right half consumes lots and lots of time and money. Welcome to the world of online dating. You no longer have to search someone special through your friends circle, just log on to a online dating site and you are ready to go to find your better half. It is reverse kind of phenomenon, in which a person understands one’s aspirations and expectations via internet and finally decides to meet in person.

There are many benefits that glorify this concept. Anonymity is the first and foremost benefit that online dating provides you. You may hide your vital information including contacts, address, surnames and so on. This provides you a freedom to know the person better without a fear of being revealed. You may choose to be anonymous if you wish to until you trust a particular chap.

Security, moreover, is other benefit which invites ladies for online dating whole heartedly. No more you need to fear unwanted person to disturb you and interrupt your search for a right match. In case someone gets on you, you may block him and continue with your search. Just logging onto a right dating site can get you access to millions of prospects to go through.

Just a few words regarding your online dating venture :

* Don’t be half hearted and get ready for risk bearing. Not all ventures go 100% successful, hence, it is important to prepare yourself for some let downs. Be sure what you want and get a through research work done before actual dating.

* Spoil yourself. Treat yourself with good and new clothes and get some shopping stuff that relaxes and you and provide better confidence then ever.

* Decide in advance the reasons you are dating for. Be sure, what you want from your partner and does the search satisfy your dating goal. Be sure if you are seeking for nice companionship or you are seeking for a life partner or so.

* Boost up your confidence before going for any sorts of date. Attending social functions and getting along with your friends would surely enhance a positive aura around you.

* Decide the meeting place in advance. Be sure, the place to be public enough. Although night clubs prove to be a bad idea for meeting for first time. Obviously you would not like to scream into ears to get your views conveyed to your partner. Choose a place like a coffee shop that proves to be ideal to talk to.

* Most importantly, enjoyment is the key for dating. After all this is the reason you are dating for.

By : The Author
‘Excellence’ Program Assists People With Disabilities

People with disabilities remain an untapped resource in the nation’s work force, facing an unemployment rate of 70 percent.

NISH, a nonprofit organization that helps secure federal contracts for agencies that employ people with disabilities through the Javits-Wagner-O’Day Program, is working to change the status quo. The organization has introduced a new program whereby agencies designated as “Centers of Excellence” serve as mentors to other agencies to help them improve the quality of the service and products they provide to the federal government.

The Javits-Wagner-O’Day Program is the largest single source of jobs in the U.S. for people with disabilities. Often referred to as the JWOD program, it provides employment opportunities for more than 45,000 people who are blind or have other severe disabilities.

Through the JWOD program, NISH works with a network of more than 600 nonprofit agencies that employ and train people with disabilities.

The program stems from the Wagner-O’Day Act, passed in 1938, which provided employment opportunities for the blind by allowing them to manufacture mops and brooms to sell to the federal government. In 1971, Congress amended the act to include people with severe disabilities and to allow the agencies to provide services as well as products.

According to a recent Harris Interactive survey, two out of three people with disabilities who are not working want to work, but the lack of opportunities and accessibility issues prevent them from finding employment.

By : The Author

Feng Shui - Property, Home, Land and Office Shapes

It can be said that the most important factor cited in opening up a restaurant or eatery is "Location, Location and Location". So is the concept of "Shape" when it comes to Feng Shui. In dealing with the advanced concepts of Feng Shui "shape" is not one small factor.
Rather shape is everything.

The shape of your block. Your house, your rooms and even your furniture play a most important component and together play a more than important part in the Feng Shui of your home, your abode or your working areas. Generally it can be stated that symmetrical shapes are considered most ideal. If on the other tack or side one considers the "L-shape" of a room - then the basis of the "L-Shape" can, will and does poses problems because at its very core the "L-shape" is unbalanced and incomplete. If and when you have not primary, basic, balanced shapes, you will need to look, think and ponder at how to balance these shapes. It's all at the beginning and basis of Feng Shui and the practice of Feng Shui.

In dealing with the shape of your land or property, wider on the northern and southern ends is considered to be best. If your block is not a true triangle then try to choose or even arrange your property lines so that the back is wider than the front or the converse that the front is narrower than the back end. What to do is this is not the case ? First you might want to place a live plant or even a lamp in the very opposite corner if there is a corner portion that juts into your land. If there is planting space or soil around the offending corner then planting a hedge, hedges or even creeper plants up the walls to counter any of the sha qi offending energies that these corners might be emitting or generating. Lastly if your property of plot of land is based on a triangular shape then in order to fill out these corner areas in order that qi does not get trapped there.

When it comes to the shape or shapes of your home or office building then the wisest choice of all is basic rectangular shape. With simple rectangular shapes you can be assured that all rooms and their corner areas will be covered and not left exposed outside the basic areas of the flow of vital "qi". If you not fortunate enough and your home, abode or office structure does have "L shapes" then these missing corners again can again be covered with the use of trees or plants being planted in critical areas. A spotlight, lamp or even a skylight on the roof can be utilized. Alternatively mirrors can fill the void, or as an alternate the beautiful sound of wind chimes a be used to fill the voids.

In a similar manner rooms with L-shapes can be trouble. These can be enclosed with partitions, standing bookshelves or if necessary furniture itself or plants can be used to close the loop to shield and keep out negative sha qi.

If there is one word when it comes to shapes apparent in your rooms and their arrangement it is the word "symmetry". Symmetry means a whole by itself, and balance. Each room, each piece of furnishing, each accessory should call out by itself "symmetry".

The whole can never be greater than its parts. Work to choose furniture and accessories that are symmetrical in their own right. This way these components can both stand alone, build and contribute to the peace, serenity and arrangement of the rooms of your home, office or abode that you occupy - Feng Shui.

By : Morris E. Brown

Re-Published By : The Author
7 Surprisingly Quick And Easy Ways To Feel Happier

Changing your mood can be surprisingly quick and easy when you have the right tools, strategies, and methods.

All of us have days when we’re out of sorts. You just wish you were in a better mood. You’ve had days like that, haven’t you ? Perhaps you tried to get yourself into a better state of mind but struggled to achieve it.

Sometimes we get stuck in our own emotional dumps and forget how easy it is to feel happier, so here are seven simple ways to lift your mood. Many people have found them useful. Some of them may surprise you !

1. Go for a walk.

Most people know that going for a short daily walk is one of the best forms of exercise. When you are feeling down it is even more beneficial. If you can, go into a natural environment with plants and birds. Can you think of such a setting not ? What do you notice first ? The different shades of greenery, the fresh smell of country air, the sounds of birds, or the sunlight shining through the trees? Make it real by taking a short stroll.

2. Listen to quality music.

Music can shift a listener’s state within moments. It’s effect can be nearly magical. Dig out that CD you haven’t listened to in ages or tune in your radio to something you’ve never listened to before.

3. Open yourself to discovering something new.

Read something (printed, not on line) different than what you would normally watch. There are a ton of different types of magazines can you get these days. Visit your local library or browse through a magazine rack. Pick up or buy a magazine you wouldn’t normally buy. You may discover something wonderful.

4. Find something to laugh at.

Laughter is one of the best ways to lift your spirits. Find a humorous book, or watch a comedy. Even better, try to learn a few new jokes and tell them to others.

5. Simple breathing meditation.

Breathing meditation is a great exercise that you can do anywhere. Simply allow yourself to sit comfortably with your back straight. Now close your eyes and become aware of the flow of air into and out of your nostrils. That’s all there is to it. Do this for 10-15 minutes. Notice how pleasantly surprised you can be at how you feel afterward.

6. Doodling for the fun of it.

Most people can remember when they were young and used to doodle for hours. Kids love drawing silly little pictures. Drawing is not just for kids or artists. Whoever you are get some pens, pencils, crayons or whatever you have and just draw for the fun of it. Notice how your state of mind shifts.

7. Think of others less fortunate.

The fact that you are reading this article suggests that you are probably much better off than most people on this planet. At times this may be hard to believe, but if you can read and have access to the internet, just those two things alone means you are better off than most people in the world. There are many human beings that barely have access to the basics of survival. There are people in lots of pain. Allow your compassion for them to grow.

These are all pretty simple. There’s nothing profound or life changing, but when all you need is a quick pick me up these may be just the thing you need. Putting simple ideas, methods, tools and techniques into action will help you achieve change more quick and easily–surprisingly so at time– than you imagine.

By : The Author
5 Tips For Uniting Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Do you know what it takes to unite your body, mind, and soul? If you did, do you realize that you would be able to achieve the balance that nearly everyone wishes they had in their lives ? Do you know what you need to do for yourself in order to bring about this balance ?

Part of uniting these three elements of your person is knowing what makes you passionate. Knowing what makes you passionate will help you get in touch with your soul, to feel creative energy, to feel truly alive. Spiritual or creative passion can help you to achieve those feelings. Whether it’s through faith, music, or some other type of artistic expression, you must find what will awaken your soul in order to strike balance in your life. Here are some tips to guide you :

• What are your goals for the future ? What would you like to ultimately achieve in your life ? Is it spiritual enlightenment ? Is it social status ? Or is it merely to be the best person you can be, and make a contribution to society? What is important, though, is the process by which you attain your ultimate goal. That is what will generate your passion.

• Try to focus on the positive, and do not dwell on the negative. Recall you accomplishments and good deeds. Doing this will help keep you positive, and keep your spirit up. If you constantly remind yourself of your mistakes, you will find it harder to succeed down the road, and your mind, body, and soul will work against you.

• You’ve heard of finding your “happy place” right? This form of meditation helps you take your mind and spirit to a comfortable place that fills you with happiness. This is an ideal thing to do when you are in the middle of a stressful day at work or with the kids; it provides the perfect opportunity to regroup.

• Spark a change. Plan a vacation, even if it is just for a weekend. Nothing does the body, mind, and soul better than a little change of scenery. Go where you will be happy, and be able to let loose and have some fun. Try it on your own. It might sound scary, but you will be surprised at how relaxed and refreshed you will be after a weekend all to yourself!

• Try some daily affirmations. Pick three things that you can say out loud in the mirror that will help you stay centered, positive, and focused. Saying something often enough has the power to make it true for you. Remember not to dwell on the negative, focus on the positive. Three basic affirmations that you can work from include:

o “I am safe and secure.”

o “The Universe gives me everything that I need.”

o “My income will continue to increase.”

By : The Author
5 Ways to Soothe Mind, Body and Spirit

Sometimes good comes from being blinded by the light

Self improvement (or self help) tools come in many shapes and sizes; sometimes it’s physical in nature (a self help book, having a massage, painting with water colors), or spiritual in nature (flower essences, Reiki, meditation which is both physical and spiritual, etc).

Five of the best self help options that I’ve used successfully to help soothe my own mind, body and spirit, are:

1. Meditation techniques – a fabulous self help tool which greatly benefits overall health and wellbeing. There are many techniques to choose from such as:

Visually guided meditations;

Candle meditation;

Breathing meditation;

Crystal meditation;

Writing meditation (alternating using dominant and non-dominant hand);

Walking meditation;

Body scanning; and

A self healing meditation using either color; breathe work; aromatherapy; etc.

2. Painting with water colors, pastels or oil paints – express your uniqueness through art. This is a wonderful self help tool to employ for inner healing, letting go and for creating something new (a masterpiece for your lounge room wall).

3. Vibrational essences. Part of ancient wisdom, vibrational essences are used in healing to assist with the removal of emotional blocks and patterns, as well as resolving issues from past lives.

Essences are generally in liquid form and can also be used in creams, ointments and oils (I sometimes combine mine with an aromatherapy oil blend).

Vibrational substances are derived from light (sun, moon etc), healing energy (universal or spiritual energy, prana, Reiki, etc), plants (flowers, stems, leaf etc), mineral (crystals, gold etc), environmental (sacred places), or animal.

Some examples of essences available (there are many) to explore further as a self help tool are:

Flower, Gem, Angel, Shell, Coral, Sea, Goddess, and Chakra essences

4. Journal writing is a fabulous self help healing tool connecting you with your true essence, your spiritual self.

Find yourself a special journal/diary to write in; something special to write with (can be brightly colored inks or the more traditional black, blue or reds) and make a date with yourself to do some journal writing every morning at the same time (before rising out of bed).

I’ve practiced journal writing as a self help tool for many years and still find it, to this day, one of the greatest self help and self improvement tools around – and it costs nothing!

Write out your worries, sadness, loneliness, or whatever is playing on your mind. When you’ve done that write in your journal the excitement, enthusiasm and passion you intend to experience for the day ahead, the projects you’re working on, friends you’ll catch up with, food you’ll eat, possible miracles that might happen, shopping to be done, your work day etc.

5. Have a massage. Treat yourself to some bodywork like a Swedish massage. Swedish is a more traditional or western soft tissue type of massage, however if you’re after something a little more unique for healing mind, body, and spirit you could choose:

Aromatherapy massage – there’s nothing quite like this one using essential oils for body, mind and spirit.

Ka Huna, LomiLomi – gentle, relaxing, soothing and stretching massage (even watching this massage is relaxing);

Reflexology – therapeutic hand and foot massage;

Reiki – hands on energy healing (aligns Chakras etc)

Vichy Shower – warm water is directed over your body, gently massaging it (this is heavenly, especially after a salt scrub).

Acupressure – form of bodywork based on Chinese Meridian theory

Ayurvedic – part of a traditional detoxification and rejuvenation program of India called Panchakarma – vigorious massage with warm oils and herbs to remove toxins, is calming and balancing, and facilitates profound inner peace.

Hot stone massage – warm smooth stones are applied to the body and employed by the therapist’s hands.

A massage not listed that I experienced while ago was a form of Swedish massage. I was given small smooth rocks to hold in either hand, at the end of the massage the therapist held my feet and ‘tuned’ me, which sounded like a clarinet going up and down the scales. To say I felt relaxed and energised at the same time is an understatement. It was amazing.

I’ve road tested many self help tools over the years; it’s been an amazing journey with the most profound assistance coming from spirit. Sometimes good comes from being blinded by the light.

By : The Author
10 reasons to go to college

Life is full of options and choices. The choices we make shape our future. As we stand at the cross roads after high school we must have the right vision to make the decision to go to college.

1. A college education secures our future. The number of employment opportunities is greater and statistics reveal that most leaders are college grads.

2. If you have a college education you will make more money which in turn will enable you to have a better lifestyle. If a high school graduate earns US$ 34,303 annually, a college graduate will earn US$ 56,334, and a person with a professional qualification will net at least US$ 99,411.

3. It is not just earnings. A college education makes you a rounded person. It shapes your communication skills, expands your knowledge base, makes you methodical and organized, and exposes you to a whole new world of learning.

4. People with a college education have better value systems and are healthier. They are able to guide their family positively.

5. College can help you qualify in fields you are interested in. So if you are an innovator, inventor, or healer, or artist you can train in the specific field and qualify.

6. According to experts, college graduates are self confident, have greater knowledge of governance, are less likely to become criminals, are emotionally and financially secure, make better partners and parents, and have a deeper understanding of human nature.

7. College instills a deep sense of right and wrong and is they very essence of a democratic world.

8. Education opens the doors to many things like multiple jobs, career choices, the chance to further education at any point in life, and the option of teaching others what you have learnt. Be it a child, family member, or a poor person you meet.

9. College education is an investment in you that yields much more than Wall Street investments.

10. College educated citizens will ensure the continuing success of the “American Dream.” The ability to see the right path and work for peace and prosperity.

Students according to Jose Marti a patriot are the very ramparts of a nation and the strongest advocates of freedom. Education creates a conscience and as a result a better human being. College education eventually becomes a legacy for future generations. Most succeeding generations of college educated people go to college themselves. The value of a good education becomes ingrained in their genes. Huge stones can be moved with muscle power but it is brain power that tells you how to move it and what can be done with it.

By : The Author
A Celebration of Life Begins With Lunch

On an ordinary afternoon in St. Augustine, Fla., a group of extraordinary people met at a local restaurant for a single purpose - to celebrate their accomplishments, share inspiration and encourage each other while enjoying a meal.

They came for their weekly Friday lunch from all walks of life: parents and realtors, mortgage brokers and doctor’s assistants, life coaches and flower shop employees. Many represented their own entrepreneurial ventures such as jewelry making, business coaching, spas and health clubs. Regardless of where they came from, they were there for each other, to spend an hour in support and fellowship.

These weekly luncheons are held in five other cities, sponsored by the organization Women Celebrations and attended by both men and women. Each luncheon has a theme that suggests the independence and success to which all people aspire, according to founder Sheryl Lynn. Themes have been as varied as “magnificence,” “confidence” and “work.” At an “applause” themed gathering, each attendee explained to the group why he or she deserved applause.

Members talked about moving from out of state and changing careers, business successes and personal joys. Each of the speakers received heartfelt applause as they took a moment to “stand in their power,” Lynn’s expression for people’s ability to find success and empowerment within themselves.

It was the need to celebrate everyday things that inspired Lynn to create Women Celebrations. Despite success as a mother of three and an entrepreneur, at the end of the day she felt exhausted and disheartened.

“I was not patting myself on the back upon the completion of these marvelous things. And certainly no one else was either,” Lynn said.

In starting Women Celebrations, she created an environment in which support and encouragement played a vital role.

Today, Women Celebrations has a strong presence in northern Florida and more chapters, or “loops,” are appearing across the country. The organization is open to everyone wishing to celebrate their lives, share their experiences with others through positive interaction and build a sense of community.

By : The Author
The Season For Volume

Do you know how many turkeys are eaten during the holiday season ? Below are a few interesting facts regarding the volume of turkeys eaten, cards sent, and much more.

Christmas Cards
Do you enjoy receiving cards in the mail? How many do you think you get each season ? There are roughly 1.9 billion Christmas cards sent in the United States every year to friends, family members, and acquaintances, making Christmas the #1 card sending occurrence, followed by Valentine’s Day.

The number UPS is expected to deliver this year is over 340 million. The busiest day is expected to reach 20 million deliveries, which translates to 230 packages being delivered every second during that day.

There are approximately 60 million turkeys consumed in the United States through the holiday season. Each American eats around 13.7 pounds of turkey every year ! You think you are tired of turkey once Christmas is over ? This may be why.

Christmas Trees
Next time you are lugging your tree home, remember this little fact. There are 20.8 million Christmas trees cut in the U.S. every year, with Oregon being the largest producer. Tree farmers retail roughly $506 million from the sale of trees. There is $69 million worth of artificial trees imported from China alone. Artificial Christmas trees have outsold real trees every year since 1991.

Christmas Tree Ornaments
China is the largest importer of Christmas ornaments which totals $561 million between January and August. Apparently those little trinkets are purchased year-round to have handy when Christmas time approaches.

Most malls and other stores begin decorating for the holiday season on November 1st.

Holiday Shopping
Holiday sales are expected to hit $439.53 billion this year. December accounts for roughly 15% of stores’ yearly sales, except for in the case of jewelry stores, which is closer to 24%. However, most Americans only expect to spend an average of $681 each this holiday reason. On Black Friday, approximately $8.01 billion was spent, totaling $16.8 billion for the weekend. Residence of the New England states are expected to spend the most, with the South expected to spend considerably less.

Roughly 45% of shoppers this year will be purchasing toys, with Barbie and video games being the most sought after products.

Holiday Music
The most frequently played holiday song is “Jingle Bells”, with “White Christmas” running a close second. Bing Crosby’s “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” is the #1 best selling Christmas single of all time.

By : The Author
“Feed” Your Skin Antioxidants for a Glowing Complexion

The benefits of antioxidant-rich foods – for inside and out health – cannot be overstressed. That is true even when it comes to obtaining a healthier complexion that glows, as this 518-word article attests. Citing advice from professionals in the field of nutrition, included is a guide that contains three common antioxidant nutrients as well as best sources.

Although there is no conclusive proof that antioxidants keep skin from aging, experts do agree they have the ability to ‘capture’ free radicals and may protect us from certain diseases. Antioxidant-rich foods can also give us a healthier, glowing complexion.

According to Susan M. Kleiner, R.D., Ph.D, a Seattle-based nutritionist, eating foods rich in antioxidants is best. “There’s no substitute for getting nutrients through food. The body absorbs and assimilates them far better than in supplement form.”

Kleiner suggests following the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Guide Pyramid, and eating three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruit each day. Choose at least one citrus fruit, such as an orange, a tangerine, or a grapefruit, for vitamin C. To increase beta-carotene intake, eat at least two orange-yellow or leafy green vegetables each day.

Eat Right for Younger Looking Skin

Eating healthy equals younger looking skin. Drinking a cup of orange juice and eating one raw carrot provides twice the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin C and beta-carotene. The RDA for vitamin E is harder to meet, especially for those on a low-fat diet.

“Don’t be afraid to add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to your diet, or to eat some nuts or seeds,” advises Dr. Kleiner.

The following guideline can be used for RDAs for three of the most common antioxidant nutrients, vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene; good sources and how best to maximize benefits of each are included.

Vitamin C : RDA at least 60 mg. (1/2 cup orange juice = 70 mg.) Citrus fruits and juices and tomatoes are good sources of vitamin C. Eat whole fruit for extra fiber. Avoid juice in glass containers, and heat-pasteurized juice. Light and heat destroy some of the vitamin C.

Vitamin E : RDA 8 mg. for women / 10 mg. for men (1 tablespoon of canola oil = 9 mg.) Good sources include nuts, seeds and their oils, fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, halibut, and trout, and wheat germ. Use canola, olive, or another vegetable oil in place of butter or margarine when cooking.

Beta-carotene: no established RDA. Expert Dr. Kleiner, however, recommends 5-6 mg. ( One carrot = 12 mg.) Orange and yellow vegetables, and leafy green vegetables, including broccoli, are all good sources. Instead of potato chips or popcorn for an evening snack while watching television, opt for prepackaged, washed and peeled baby carrots.

If you feel you are unable to meet the RDAs through diet alone, by all means take an all-in-one antioxidant vitamin supplement a day, but continue to pay attention to rich food sources.

Because many over-the-counter cosmetics containing antioxidants don’t have enough to be totally affective by themselves, it is best to ‘feed’ them to your skin in combination with a healthy, antioxidant rich diet for younger looking skin.

We at Savvy Spa Luxuries care about you and your wellbeing. With proper skin care, a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and ample amounts of water, you can enjoy a more fit body, improved quality of life, increased stamina, and a glowing complexion !

By : The Author
Horney Goat Weed - The cure for languishing libido

The most natural way to increase libido is to use ancient methods. I don’t mean to go into bawdyhouse, but here’s the Horny Goat Weed, a three thousand year old marvelous plant, which restores the men sexual strength and power. In ancient China many medical writings were “published” about its efficiency but epimedium has the same qualities even today.

-“Believe it or not the horny goat weed was useful” – whispered my girlfriend shiny. She had a problem with her sexual performance since months. Horney Goat Weed is sold on the Internet, in herbal and esoteric stores in many forms : leaves, powder or capsules, pure or in combination with other aphrodisiacs. Epimedium increases vitality, stimulates brain cells and has an overall beneficial impression on human body.

Since thousand years Horney Goat Weed is well known for its positive effects, this mysterious plant was recommended by Chinese physicians for male sexual enhancement.
Unlike prescription drugs for erectile dysfunction the Horney Goat Weed isn’t a chemical, it makes the human organism stronger and not weakens it. So if somebody takes it regurarily he shouldn’t be afraid for it’s side effects, or that it will cause dependency.
Chinese scientist successfully used Horny Goat Weed for bronchitis treatment, and in curing fertility problems. The positive effects are caused by polysaccharides, the antiviral and antimicrobial compounds of Horney Goat Weed.

Horny Goat Weed ‘s curing effects on lounge and circulatory problems are still researched, also the property of Horny Goat Weed increasing muscular volume.
Epimedium it’s an endemic plant in all Far East countries forests, not only in China but also in Korea, Japan and Vietnam. Recently in these countries Horney Goat Weed is artificially cultivated.

The mystery of Horny Goat Weed is still studied by scientists however everybody agrees that epimedium has no harmful influence only positive impact on human health. It’s especially effective in curing male impotence but increases female libido too. There are many reasons for men to switch the popular blue pills to the time tested and natural Horny Goat Weed.
If women will start to use Horney Goat Weed too, at least they won’t forget the purpose of the bed other than sleeping.

By : The Author
5 Easy Ways to Lift the Spirit

I tried the conventional way for many years and found that nothing ever really changed for me. I still got sick, still got sad, and was still unhappy for long periods, rarely experiencing joy and peacefulness.

What to do ?

Luckily for me there’s always been that curiosity of what’s out there in the alternative world including the alternative therapies. I’ve tried many of them over the years and will continue to do so, all in the hope I can make things better for my body, mind and spirit. And it has.

I’m aware that what may work for me may not work for someone else, so the message is to keep trying until you find something that will suit your needs.

Many times I’ve been told they’ve tried everything. What is everything? What it actually boiled down to you could count on one hand. It’s worthwhile to keep searching, you may find that your world expands in a most amazing way by the making of new friendships (I have) and picking up useful skills for your ‘self-healing’ tool-kit.

So what do I do when I’ve reached a cross-road and need some direction or could do with some healing ?

Below I’ve listed 5 basic points that have helped to lift my spirit and with practice will also help yours:

1. Meditation! Meditation is one of the greatest self healing tools available and costs nothing except a little of your time! There are many meditation techniques out there, find one that suits you and begin.

By putting some meditation music on and spending time in quiet contemplation it can soothe your soul and reconnect you with the highest aspect of yourself.

2. Aromatherapy and Essential Oils.

Rebalance and rejuvenate your spirit through blending a selection of essential oils together in an aromatherapy oil burner. I’ve found the following blend works extremely well when there’s a need for nurturing, support and healing:

Approximately an hour before retiring to bed place a few drops of the following in an aromatherapy oil burner with some water (for safety’s sake, extinguish the flame before lights are turned off for the night):

4 drops Jasmine

4 drops Rose

4 drops Neroli

3 drops Lavender

3 drops Bergamot

The smell divine! I use this one every now and again and not only sleep like a baby but anxiety and stress disappears, and feels like the weight of the world has lifted from my shoulders by the following morning! (If you have a small bedroom you might like to half the amount of drops)

3. Breathe! Stand with feet a shoulder-length apart. Take 3 slow and deep breaths using the diaphragm muscles. Breathe in through the nose, and breathe out through slightly parted lips. As you do these imagine you’re inhaling your personal power, filling every cell in your body, from your diaphragm up to the top of your head.

Be your personal power and notice how much taller, straighter and stronger you become. Repeat the steps above.

4. Be in the Present Moment. Take a few deep breaths and focus totally on this moment, right now.

If you’re reading a book or magazine, or even this article, totally focus on the words and take in their meaning. There is only you and this article now in the present moment.

If you’re in the workplace, focus totally on the task at hand, and only this task, and what you must do in order to complete it. Nothing else matters except you and the task at hand.

5. Set an intention. When I’m on the lookout for something new and useful for me, I set my intention on what it is I’m after.

For example, I may want to find a book that will give me answers in regards to directing me to another healing modality or skill. I then meditate on this intention, give it a timeframe then open my heart to it. Lo and behold I will have a book in my hand in no time at all! I love the power of intention – I also use intention for getting a parking space when I go shopping!

These days I rarely get sick and when I do and have a medical checkup, doctors tell me I’m actually very healthy (surely they can find something so I can get some sympathy around here!) which also includes blood test results.

I still do sadness and unhappiness well (I’m still human) though neither lasts long whereas in the past it would last many days sometimes weeks. What lasts much longer is a peaceful state.

When using the 5 points above, my spirit lifts and life once again becomes more peaceful and joyful.

By : The Author
Forever Young : Anti-Aging - Why Not Me ?

By the time we hit our 50’s, we may have feelings that our lives are not as they could be. Yes, there are pills, and many varieties of the “quick fix”’ (also called the “Life Makeover”) — everything from creams to diets and Bo-tox injections, perfect-sounding and easy “fountains of youth”, for ourselves. Let’s face it , most of us are looking for ways to slow the ticking of our biological clocks.

I’m here to tell you that in order to really slow that clock down, we must get “radical” in our approach to controlling our processes; getting radical means that we can, in the words of Star Trek character Jean Luc Picard, “make it so”. We can literally make our own clocks tick more slowly.

We’ve all heard the “fountain of youth” programs. There must be dozens of them: pills, creams, Bo-tox injections, etc. As aging baby boomers we’re in search of quick, perfect and easy “fountains” for ourselves. Let’s face it, we each want to slow the ticking of our own aging clock.

At the tender young age of 30 I decided I wanted to stop growing older. Why would I want to get any older? Thirty seemed the perfect age to be — forever. As a New Age explorer, during the late 70’s I roamed the Redwood hills of Northern California seeking truth. This is how my quest to have more control over how I age, which is called anti-aging, began. At this time I am pleased to report that indeed my quest for youth is paying off. Now at the “calendar” age of 55, except for a few silver hairs I both look and feel not much over 35 years old.

As I began to research the subject, I found that the mind/body connection to anti-aging became clear. After all, Google has over 14 million hits on the subject. “Youthing” is the term I now use to explain anti-aging. Youthing is an idea whose time has come. What did I discover during my quest? I found that multiple disciplines — including but not limited to breathwork, firewalking, fasting, yoga, and hypnosis — all helped me to shape my future. Lessons in dancing, they were.

Most of us assume that anti-aging is just about “sticking around” for a little longer, but this is only a small part of the quest. Youthing is a state of being . It’s an awareness. Youthing is really about “stepping up to the plate” and taking your power into the very fabric of our reality — into every cell of our bodies. We can all have more control over how we age; the best part is that youthing doesn’t involve buying pills or cremes, or joining a club. Youthing is a training system that teaches each of us to let go of old counterproductive and worn-out beliefs, programs, and assumptions. Essentially, we learn to automatically say ”yes” to a long and healthy life, and without even thinking about it — without using our old habits, which leave us as they’re replaced by new ones.

When we expect to slow down the aging process, we can create — each at our own cellular level — conditions that justify this belief. As Deepak Chopra wrote in AGELESS BODY, TIMELESS MIND (Harmony Books,1993): “Aging seems to be something that’s happening to you when in fact it is something your body has learned to do. It has learned to carry out the programming fed into it by you, the programmer”.

What is easy, fun and very effective is hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is simple, very effective, and can be fun depending on its purpose. Whether sessions are done in person or by telephone, they can set the stage for stretching beyond set limitations. Hypnosis is the art of placing the conscious self in a state of strong suggestibility. During this time the conscious self is very open to change; it can literally set aside any limiting beliefs that may have been interfering with one’s ability to change.

It’s a proven fact that our bodies are constantly creating new and healthy cells to replace old and damaged ones, and every new cell gets its “replacing” instructions from the DNA contained in the old cell. So, it stands to reason that if our DNA programs our new cells with the healthiest and most youthful information possible as a blueprint for development, the body’s cell memories will change for the better, by being “younger”. This process is called “Cell Transformation”. The question arises: can hypnosis really be used in order to literally tell our bodies cells to be younger ? From my experience, I strongly believe that the answer is yes.

Lets wrap this up. Youthing is the process of participating in the act of a successful anti-aging program. It involves one’s past, present and future. Here’s why: the past is forever with us. We can’t do away with it; we can’t change it. But we can make it work for us, because addressing and healing childhood traumas (with regard to induced and conditioned beliefs about aging) can be explored and corrected. Also, learning to forgive ourselves and others can do wonders for us and for our present youthing goals. Finally, seeing ourselves alive, fit, and healthy, now and and in the future, is a vital part of everyone’s youthing process..

I’m currently working with energy medicine that is directed toward youthing techniques. It is very effective; I could write so much more about it. But remember this: your body is the most valuable possession you own. By consciously programming your mind and body to remain youthful, the old paradigm — of collective conditioning — is broken. As Richard Bach put it so concisely in his classic 1977 book, ILLUSIONS : “Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they’re yours.” Don’t limit how you age. Find out how it is to feel good!